Wednesday, October 31, 2007

oracle 9i training

hi all ..

Here, i have given the lesson list for oracle 9i. This lesson list is created for the layman who is new to oracle.

I want my viewers to write comments about this list. I will post the content in upcoming posts.

your comments are very important for me to present the content very effective..

Training on ORACLE 9i

Chapter 01 Fundamentals of ORACLE

    History of ORACLE

    What is oracle?

    Why oracle

    Introduction to Oracle 9i

Chapter 02 Setting up Environment

    Checklist for Installation

    Installation Process

    Trouble Shooting

    Opening application

Chapter 03-Introduction to Database

    What is Database?

    Types of database

    Oracle Architecture



Chapter 04-SQL Basics

    Introduction to sql

    Data types

    Operators and their precedence

    How to open sql * plus for the first time

    Simple select statement

Chapter 05-Data definition Language

    Simple table creation

    Altering a table

    Table creation with sub query

    Constraints in table creation

    Renaming and removing a table

Chapter 06-Data Manipulation language

    Data insertion

    Copying rows

    Updating a table

    Transaction process in table

    Data insertion from other table

    Creating report

Chapter 07-Functions

    Character function

    Date function

    Conversion functions

    Transformation functions

    GROUP function

    Group by and having

    Set operators

Chapter 08- Sub queries and special functions

    If then else



    Sub queries

    Advanced sub queries

Chapter 9-joins, sub queries and user access

    CROSS JOIN or Cartesian product

    NATURAL join or EQUI join

    Outer join (LEFT,RIGHT and FULL)

    Controlling and managing user access

Chapter 10-Managing Schema objects

    External table



    Sequence and synonyms

    Accessing remote Data

Chapter 11-PL SQL

    Introduction to PL/SQL

    DML statements in pl/sql

    Conditions and loops

    PL/SQL Records

    PL/SQL Table

Chapter 12-Cursor, trigger and Handling exceptions

    Explicit and Implicit cursor

    cursor and cursor for loop

    Advanced cursor


    Types of Triggers

    Exception block in pl/sql

Chapter 13-Procedures, functions and packages

    Procedure creation

    Advanced usage of procedures

    Difference: procedure and function

    Function creation

    Package description

    Advanced package concepts

Chapter 14- introduction to data base administration

    Oracle architecture


    Oracle process

    Tools for DBA

    Data files

    Control and redo log files


Anonymous said...

not bad

Wings said...

Hi this is prabhu from dreamee mobile software. I think its ok.

Thanks and Regards

Anonymous said...


Everything is fine.
I found that its full of theoritcal topics.
thats ok..
but i have some ideas of inmproving it.
wherever you find theoritcal topic, just try to include relative terminologies...
and wherever you find pratical section, try to include some case studies and assginments.
then it looks more meaningful and useful...
I think this will help you.
If you need more clarification, reply me.


Anonymous said...

List lesson? You mean that for each one of these entries you are going to write a short tutorial on the subject matter?

I think that chapter 13 should be left out all together. If this person is a beginner, the details of database specific functionality such as stored procedures isn't going to be relevant. The hardest thing I found when trying to use oracle for the first time was just logging into the command line interface.

Likewise chapters 1, 3, 7, 8 should be dumped for the very same reasons. The things that should be emphasized, especially with an oracle beginner, is the concept of table spaces. How oracle differs from other databases in how they organize their tables, users and physical databases. Installation should be covered in great detail, interfacing the PLSQL command line tool should be covered in great detail. Understanding how to use their prepackaged GUI management tool is essential as well.

All in all the details of functions, stored procedures, and any other oracle specific functionality isnt going to be necessary at first. That should be discussed in a later volume. What should be covered is how to operate the database, at a very basic level. And I say this because oracle is so weird and bizzare in comparison with other databases.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest putting this on the wiki so people can contribute to it. In fact, most of your topics already have wiki pages.

Anonymous said...

Drop 9i, teach them 11g!

sap upgrade said...

The list is good enough and I am sure that a novice will be able to learn maximum about Oracle. You have covered most of the hot topics of Oracle in your list. I will desperately wait for the upcoming post in which you will share the content. Thank you.